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Case study

Wessex Training and Assessment-Using a Virtual Learning Environment for a blended approach to functional skills


Wessex Training and Assessment has delivered Apprenticeships for some time and has started to support learners in their preparation for functional skills. As is the case for many assessors, they find themselves having to support the improvement of the Eng

North West Employers (NWE)-A group approach to skills development in local authorities: working smarter not harder


The 2012-2013 round of LSIS funded support for English, maths and ESOL was discussed at a regional skills network meeting in October 2012. Skills leads attending the network meetings are typically managers from learning and development, human resources and workforce development/organisational development services, some of whom are also Union Learning Representatives (ULRs).

NVQ Business Solutions-Managing the transition from key to functional skills


This case study covers the process followed for embedding English and maths into Apprenticeship programmes which are delivered in the workplace. It describes the process followed by the NVQ Business Solutions’ assessment centre from initial assessment of learners to the holistic approach we take towards delivering the vocational and English and maths qualifications required under Apprenticeship frameworks, which have enabled us to achieve a 96.5 per cent completion rate for the delivery of these programmes.

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC)-Preparing for functional English and maths delivery


During this project, senior managers at RBKC worked with managers from the sub-contracted providers to enhance the business planning procedures and awareness of ecuring value for money. Workshops were held for tutors from across the providers working in health, public services and care, agriculture, horticulture and animal care, information and communication technology, retail and commercial enterprise, leisure, travel and tourism and media and publishing.


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