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Case study

Leicester College: Intensive career learning and progression programme


The programme ‘Advanced New Start’ provides an example of partnership working to develop a personalised curriculum offer based on the specific needs of learners operating at level 3 who are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Personalised curriculum and flexible delivery models
• Careers learning and IAG (information advice and guidance)
• Learners who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Learning Plus: Delivering QCF units to support achievement and progression


This case study illustrates how a partnership of third-sector providers are working to utilise the flexibility offered by the QCF to support learners that find it difficult to access the job market.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Pre employability programmes
• Developing holistic curriculum models
• Delivering QCF units to support achievement and progression
• Delivering a personalised curriculum

Henley College: Developing pathways using QCF qualifications and units at Henley College


008/09, Henley College needed to improve retention, achievement and overall success rates for students in the Public Service programme area. This case study describes how they went about using the flexibilities of QCF units and qualifications to develop their curriculum offer which, in 2010/11, resulted in a 30% increase in achievement and success rates, and a 6% increase in retention.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Developing a flexible QCF curriculum
• Career pathways
• Improving learner engagement

Exeter College: Developing the media curriculum to deliver services to local employers: A pilot study with the National Health Service (NHS)


Exeter College’s Media Department and the National Health Service (NHS) South Devon collaborated to develop a curriculum model which would provide industry-relevant learning experiences for students while also meeting the business needs of the NHS.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Curriculum design
• Media education
• Employability
• Community broadcasting
• Education business partnerships

Charnwood Training Group Ltd: Better training for work


A project that set out to encourage a stronger and more dynamic relationship between employers and training providers to ensure that training programmes are more integrated to working practices.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Working with employers to design tailored learning programmes
• Contextualising learning in the workplace
• Improving employer / provider communication strategies

Cambridgeshire County Council Adult Learning and Skills: Magnet: attracting and engaging learners in a community-led curriculum


This case study explores how a local authority supported 15 providers (to whom it contracts out informal adult learning) to become more responsive to the needs of their local communities.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Adult and community learning
• Community responsiveness
• Managing curriculum change (when working with sub-contractors)
• Making use of a VLE

Barnet and Southgate College: Developing a flexible approach to the delivery of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and assessor qualifications


This project set out to use the flexibility of the QCF to design more relevant, cost effective and sustainable ITT programmes to help underpin the Barnett and Southgate College’s ability to deliver increased numbers of high quality apprenticeships.
Worth reading if you are interested in:
• Workforce development
• Diversification of the ITT offer
• Maximising the flexibility of the QCF
• Assessing apprenticeships

All Traders Training (ATT) Limited: Removing barriers to employment through QCF units and qualifications


ATT formed in 2007 to provide a range of learning opportunities in the East of England. The provider secured a £2.3 million contract with the Skills Funding Agency in January 2012 to deliver Apprenticeships for 19-24 year olds who are not in employment, education or training (NEET).

Entrepreneurial Case Study 4: Calderdale College


This case study explores how over two years the College has introduced an organisational structure for enterprise and entrepreneurship which embeds strategic development into its core activities. Enterprise and Entrepreneurship skills are prioritised by the college because such an approach is seen to be employer responsive, to add value to the learning experience, and to increase awareness and understanding of progression opportunities through enterprise and self-employment.


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