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Case study

Liverpool College; Learner Voice


This case study and supplementary documents outline the approach Liverpool College have taken to capture learner voice from those learners with learning difficulties and or disabilities.
College Start (provision for students with learning difficulties) has struggled to capture the ‘student voice’ effectively. Evidence for this could be found in internal inspection reports and through observation of teaching and learning. The introduction of cross college questionnaires has meant that students who are unable to access Information Technology were not having their voice heard.

Altlernative Approaches to CPD at Total People: the perspective of a Work Based Learning provider


ELS resources/materials used
Total People used the Personal Development Profile (PDP), an online tool self-evaluation tool mapped against the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Learning Support Practitioners (LSPs). The organisation felt this would be of benefit because whilst we provide very good generic training, supported by the Institute for Learning (IFL), staff are working with increasingly complex learners, and we wanted a tool which would help us to identify training needs more closely linked to individual student need


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