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Policy and procedures

Checklist for data collection on candidates for recruitment to support safeguarding


This checklist sets out the recommended data that should be collected on all candidates as part of any recruitment and selection process. The information gathered at this stage for the application database can also be used to feed into the Single Central Record of pre-employment checks that is created for all relevant new appointments in accordance with Safeguarding legislation.

EDI audit tool: Supporting Leadership of Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Learning and Skills sector


This tool is intended to support providers in identifying progress against key inclusion criteria and highlighting priorities for action. As such it provides a ‘health check’ that enables you to review inclusive practice and inform action planning in your organisation. The sections used in this tool bring together the action points outlined in the sections of the related resource "Leading Inclusion: A Guide to Good Practice in Leadership of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Learning and Skills Sector".

Extending working lives in the further education and skills sector


This resource is intended to help FE and skills sector organisations to develop and implement effective age management strategy, taking account of the changing profile of the labour force, falling standards of living for people over 50, the removal of the default retirement age and the particular trends and age profile within the further education and skills sector. As well as exploring the issues, the resource includes tips on addressing age bias, a self-assessment checklist to aid identification of potential issues, and a summary of other useful resources for employers.

Promoting Transgender equality in further education


This guide is designed to provide all those involved in the provision of further education to young people with a greater understanding of transgender issues, and the relevant law and good practice in relation to transgender employees and learners. Topics covered include: what is meant by transgender, legal obligations & protections; and how to help trans employees and learners. The guide also presents a number of scenarios to illustrate best practice.


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