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Policy and procedures

ASSP: Capital Training Group


Created as part of Apprenticeship Staff Support Programme Programme (ASSP) which ran from 2014-2015 and produced a suite of provider-led resources. These resrouces from Capital Training Group help you with employer involvement in apprenticeship delivery and includes: - Overview of apprenticeship project from Capital Training Group presentation - Training providers apprenticeship action plan for employer engagement

Sustaining our Future: a Framework for embedding sustainable development in FE and skills


The Sustaining Our Future Framework aims to:
A. Build common understanding of what sustainable development is about, what it means for the sector and why the sector should collectively respond to it.
B. Alert providers to the business benefits of being a sustainable organisation, and how these benefits can be realised in an increasingly demand-led environment
C. Establish a common set of themes for action.

Orpington College: E&D Scorecard/Key Performance Indicators


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Orpington College. The aim was to develop a process/methodology for implementing high impact improvements to Equality and Diversity by creating an ‘E & D Scorecard’, based on a number of headline Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that any education or training organisation could use to evaluate their performance in the areas of Equality and Diversity.

Boston College - Raising aspirations among young learners from disadvantaged backgrounds


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Boston College in 2009-10. The project aimed to identify young learners across Lincolnshire who are in receipt of EMAs/ALGs or who live in post-coded areas identified as areas of disadvantage. The team also aimed to engage with them as “experts” through electronic and paper based surveys, one-to-one interviews and focus groups about the barriers to success and effective intervention strategies.

Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training – England 2014


The 2014 professional standards:
• set out clear expectations of effective practice in Education and Training;
• enable teachers and trainers to identify areas for their own professional development;
• support initial teacher education;
• provide a national reference point that organisations can use to support the development of their staff.
The corresponding Guidance, which was developed with the support of practitioners, aims to help teachers and trainers use the standards and apply them to the context in which they work.

Building Higher-Level Skills Provision: Guide


A guide for independent training providers
This guide is designed to support directors, chief executives and senior managers of independent training providers (ITPs) as they consider how they may participate in the opportunities arising from the Government’s latest reform plans for further education (FE) and higher education (HE) and as they work to establish their own provision for developing the higher-level skills of current and future learners.

A guide to delivering adult skills provision to the unemployed: Playbook


This version of the guide is produced in interactive ‘playbook’ format enabling users to follow their own route through the content rather than go sequentially through the pages. It pulls together all the various complex strands of policy and process which go to make up the employability and skills offer to unemployed people.


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