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Policy and procedures

Age equality and the workforce: resources for providers


This set of five resources was developed to support organisations in the further education and skills sector to understand and apply principles that promote equality within workforce planning and organisational development, with a specific focus on age equality. The resources are intended to be practical and informative, to promote understanding and share learning on approaches taken by others on age equality.

College checklist for dealing with serious youth violence and gangs


This audit tool, developed in partnership with London Colleges and the AoC, can be used by colleges and providers to assess the extent to which potential interventions to address youth crime and gangs are already in place or should be implemented. The tool covers a breadth of themes including management and leadership; policies and procedures; and managing information.

Physical Contact Policy: example from Beaumont College


This document presents an example of a physical contact policy drawn up by Beaumont College. The policy provided a framework and guidelines for the types of activity where positive physical contact occurs and how this contact should be made. The purpose of this policy was to promote positive contact to support emotional and cognitive functioning and development for all learners of the College.

Guidance for technical staff


Using technology safely is vital to further education staff and learners alike. There are four publications in the Safeguarding in a Digital World series. This document explains the importance of e-safety in a digital world. It outlines some practical steps and advice for assessment and reducing risks for technical staff.

Safeguarding in a Digital World: Guidance for Curriculum Managers, Teachers and Trainers


Using technology safely is vital to further education staff and learners alike. There are four publications in the Safeguarding in a Digital World series. This document explains the importance of e-safety in a digital world. It outlines some practical steps and advice for assessment and reducing risks for teaching and training staff.


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