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Sustaining our Future: a Framework for embedding sustainable development in FE and skills

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The Sustaining Our Future Framework aims to:
A. Build common understanding of what sustainable development is about, what it means for the sector and why the sector should collectively respond to it.
B. Alert providers to the business benefits of being a sustainable organisation, and how these benefits can be realised in an increasingly demand-led environment
C. Establish a common set of themes for action.
D. Provide a catalyst for providers to develop new or enhance existing strategies and approaches, through highlighting activities, case studies, online tools and resources.
E. Provide a focus for sharing of ideas and experiences, and for collaboration between providers.
F. Promote and demonstrate coherence in sector bodies’ responses to the challenge.
G. Support providers and sector bodies to capture the impact of sustainable development work.

This resource comprises: the Framework itself; appendix 1, which provides further background on the concepts of sustainable development and education for sustainable development; appendix 2, which provides a more detailed overview of the purpose of the Framework; and links to useful resources relating to each of the four themes of the Framework (leadership, learning, organisational capacity and partnerships).
