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Accrington and Rossendale College - Meeting the needs of LGB&T learners in Pennine Lancashire


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Accrington & Rossendale College.
The specific aim was to establish the most effective method to ensure that needs of young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) learners in the local area are met by the college. The project provided the opportunity to better understand the needs of LGB&T learners and to maximise their participation and retention within the college.

New College Swindon and Swindon College - Research into experience of BME groups in post 16 further education in Swindon


This Equality & Diversity Partneship project undertook research into factors affecting academic under-achievement by identified ethnic groups in post-16 further education in the Swindon area and recommended actions to address these. The principal focus was on 16-19 year old minority ethnic students studying for long courses. The aim was to enable the colleges to improve student experience and success at college.
The resources included are:
• Final report
• Flyer
• Going to College project resource


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