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Developing Colleagues' Digital Communication and Collaboration Skills

Resource Type: 

This project aimed to explore  the effectiveness of a range of collaborative learner-led digital activities. 

Practitioner Research and Evidence Hub: 
Principal focus of the project: 

The main focus was to detail which methods of delivery would be best suited to fully engage adult learners with low or no digital skills using the EDS framework.

What is this about and what were the main findings: 

Council staff, who had no/low level digital skills, were the subject of this research. Basic digital skills were delivered to them using Pre-Entry Level community learning courses to enable participation in EDS at Entry Level 3. This included the use of digital collaboration tools, e.g. Google Classroom and Sheets, Jamboard and Zoom. Learners commented via video feedback that they had expanded their skills and gathered some very useful evidence for their Essential Digital Skills (EDS) portfolios.

Number of learner participants: 
Number of staff participants: 
Number of organisation participants: 
Name(s) of authors: 

Coventry Adult Education Service

Name of associate programmes: 

OTLA Essential Digital Skills

PREP Starred: 
PREP Starred