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Strategic development and planning

Stockport CES Stepping Up in Sustainability video - project overview


This video illustrates the Stockport Continuing Education Service's Stepping Up in Sustainability project, which sought to embed sustainability across the service including through development of teaching and learning, organisational strategy and staff development. Other resources relating to the project are available by searching for "Stepping Up in Sustainability: Stockport Continuing Education Service"

Creating and supporting expansive apprenticeships


This guide has been designed to help you analyse the way you currently organise your Apprenticeships to identify where further improvements can be made in line with the reforms. The guide will support you in creating and managing ‘expansive’
Apprenticeships. An expansive Apprenticeship makes demands on apprentices, their employers and on training providers by maximising the added value that Apprenticeship can bring to workforce performance.

Building Higher-Level Skills Provision: Playbook


A guide for independent training providers
This guide is designed to support directors, chief executives and senior managers of independent training providers (ITPs) as they consider how they may participate in the opportunities arising from the Government’s latest reform plans for further education (FE) and higher education (HE) and as they work to establish their own provision for developing the higher-level skills of current and future learners

Building Higher-Level Skills Provision: Guide


A guide for independent training providers
This guide is designed to support directors, chief executives and senior managers of independent training providers (ITPs) as they consider how they may participate in the opportunities arising from the Government’s latest reform plans for further education (FE) and higher education (HE) and as they work to establish their own provision for developing the higher-level skills of current and future learners.

A guide to delivering adult skills provision to the unemployed: Playbook


This version of the guide is produced in interactive ‘playbook’ format enabling users to follow their own route through the content rather than go sequentially through the pages. It pulls together all the various complex strands of policy and process which go to make up the employability and skills offer to unemployed people.

A guide to delivering adult skills provision to the unemployed


This guide pulls together all the various complex strands of policy and process which go to make up the employability and skills offer to unemployed people. It also provides hints and tips based on real experience to help learning and skills providers make sense of those strands and consider how they might best respond to the challenges posed by the ongoing changes to the Adult Skills Budget, DWP and Education Funding Agency (EFA) programmes.

English and mathematics in Apprenticeships: Guide


A step by step guide for providers

This guide is aimed at providers who are considering offering GCSEs in English and
maths. It will also be useful for all providers who would like to adopt a more
coherent approach to delivering English and maths within Apprenticeships in general.

Although the guide mainly focuses on GCSEs, we are aware that functional skills or other English and maths qualifications may be more appropriate for many apprentices.


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