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Strategic development and planning

Sustaining our Future: a Framework for embedding sustainable development in FE and skills


The Sustaining Our Future Framework aims to:
A. Build common understanding of what sustainable development is about, what it means for the sector and why the sector should collectively respond to it.
B. Alert providers to the business benefits of being a sustainable organisation, and how these benefits can be realised in an increasingly demand-led environment
C. Establish a common set of themes for action.

Stubbing Court Training Limited: Promoting best practice in Equality and Diversity


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Stubbing Court Training Ltd. The project aimed to create an accessible resource that promoted the importance of equality and diversity and inspired employers to take positive action. It also delivered high quality taster opportunities with employers for under-represented groups, with unemployed individuals identified by Jobcentres.

Humber Learning Consortium: Improving E&D practice across a voluntary and community sector network


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by the Humber Learning Consortium. The overall aim was to improve equality and diversity practice across a network of 20 voluntary community sector (VCS) learning providers in the Humber sub-region. A Quality Improvement Network was launched and questionnaire created and completed by 20 VCS delivery partners.

Stockton Riverside College - Celebrating BME Diversity to Promote Inclusivity


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by an Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Stockton Riverside College. The context of the project was that the North East of England has very few people from BME backgrounds and hence, few BME learners/staff within the college. The population being mainly white British means that our learners are not exposed to different cultures/religions very often; which can lead to barriers in understanding and communication.

Orpington College: E&D Scorecard/Key Performance Indicators


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Orpington College. The aim was to develop a process/methodology for implementing high impact improvements to Equality and Diversity by creating an ‘E & D Scorecard’, based on a number of headline Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that any education or training organisation could use to evaluate their performance in the areas of Equality and Diversity.

New College Swindon and Swindon College - Research into experience of BME groups in post 16 further education in Swindon


This Equality & Diversity Partneship project undertook research into factors affecting academic under-achievement by identified ethnic groups in post-16 further education in the Swindon area and recommended actions to address these. The principal focus was on 16-19 year old minority ethnic students studying for long courses. The aim was to enable the colleges to improve student experience and success at college.
The resources included are:
• Final report
• Flyer
• Going to College project resource

Equality North East - Using the equality standard to embed Equality and Diversity


This project aimed to use the Equality North East Equality Standard to assist partner learning providers within a cluster to embed equality and diversity and meet Common Inspection Framework Requirements. The cluster were provided with the advice, tools and techniques to embed equality and diversity within their people strategies alongside receiving information about learner positive action and good practice within and outside the region.

Boston College - Raising aspirations among young learners from disadvantaged backgrounds


This resource comprises the report and resources developed by the Equality and Diversity Partnership Project led by Boston College in 2009-10. The project aimed to identify young learners across Lincolnshire who are in receipt of EMAs/ALGs or who live in post-coded areas identified as areas of disadvantage. The team also aimed to engage with them as “experts” through electronic and paper based surveys, one-to-one interviews and focus groups about the barriers to success and effective intervention strategies.


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