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Case study

Step change in assessment—Bury and Bolton colleges


The focus of Bury and Bolton colleges' outstanding teaching, learning, and assessment (OTLA 2) project in 2016/17 was to see if they could use their virtual learning environments (VLEs) to improve assessment outcomes. They created differentiated tasks to support students to learn at their own pace and get immediate feedback via the VLE. Pre- and post- testing found students' achievement increased by an average of 13.5%. This took course achievement to 10% above national benchmarks.

Springboard technical skills development in teaching, learning and assessment - London College of Apprenticeship Training


A multi-stranded project developing curriculum models, skills development and tracking and flexible English and maths delivery -  within Apprenticeship Standards across 2 key technical routes – Construction & Business Administration.

Peer observations and self-reflection - The Colleges' Partnership


This video and mobile technologies-based project from OTLA project, (2016 - 2017), aimed to improve educational and organisational outcomes by: • establishing a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) • using a commercial video recording system and platform - Iris Connect • setting up professional learning communities - peer review groups carrying out self-review and peer observations

Skills for future jobs – supporting learner progression - Petroc College


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment project (OTLA), from 2016 - 2017, was a partnership between Petroc College of Further and Higher Education and Plymouth College of Art. It focused on raising teachers’ and learners’ awareness of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) and its role in identifying skills gaps. It also explored mindfulness as a way of developing soft skills. Outputs included employability resources and a positive introduction to mindfulness for staff and students.

Implementing mobile learning to support functional reading skills - Open Doors


This Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment project (OTLA), from 2016 – 2017, was a partnership between Open Doors International Language School (ODILS) and Cornwall Council Adult Learning service. It explored the implementation of mobile learning strategies using smartphones to support the functional reading skills of learners at Levels 1 and 2. The project produced an app, developed courses and materials based around exam areas, and set up a ‘sandpit’ area to enable teachers to experiment. An associated information leaflet contains a link to five tutorial and instructional videos.

Improving TLA to increase attendance in education and work — Novus


The project was based at Her Majesty’s Prison and Young Offenders Institution Doncaster. It was led by Novus working with partners including Nacro, Catch22 and other prisons. This Outstanding Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (OTLA) project from 2016/17, aimed to improve the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment by addressing poor attendance in education and work sessions in offender learning. The work included raising awareness of the importance of education to prisoners and staff, and embedding maths and English in vocational contexts.


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