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Case study

Mental Health and Apprenticeships – Wigan Adult Learning


A number of case studies on ‘Mental Health and Apprenticeships’ have been created as part of the Future Apprenticeships programme. In this case study Wigan Adult Learning show how they help to create a culture of openness to allow apprentices to talk about any concerns they may have. They showcase effective practice and provide practical examples of how to support apprentices wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health and Apprenticeships - Kirklees College


A number of case studies on ‘Mental Health and Apprenticeships’ have been created as part of the Future Apprenticeships programme. In this case study Kirklees College explains how it supports its apprentices with mental health needs and provides the appropriate training for its staff. They showcase effective practice and provide practical examples of how to support apprentices wellbeing and mental health.

Learning Futures Project - Mastering governance of technology for learning (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Heart of Worcester College project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Learning Futures Project - Applying the successful Kube model to 16-19 study programmes (Resource Zip for offline use)


This is the zipped resources for the Harlow College project, cross referenced in the final project report entry. The zipped resource is a downloadable 7 Zip file for offline reading. In the zip file you will find a high level guide to the resource and an index of the materials in the file. The original report is available at:

Teach Too: South Worcestershire College: developing learning materials in collaboration with Rotec Engineering Ltd


A case study aimed to develop a partnership with a local employers; to design, plan and deliver a high quality engineering curriculum based on real-work environment opportunities; to implement a way of working that will enable local businesses to take an active role in influencing College curriculum decisions in the future and to foster closer links with range of local engineering employers to support apprenticeship growth.

Two Way Street: Wirral Metropolitan College - developing expertise to work with SMEs


Arvia Technology and Altus Science are ‘hi-tech’ chemical businesses based in the Wirral already recruiting advanced and higher level apprentices. This case study illustrates how the college explored whether the existing model of a learner journey could be replicated for a group of learners, not only in large multi-national employer organisations but also within small- and medium-sized local employers. The success of the exchange lay in the open and trusting relationship built with the FE provider and their employer partners.

Two Way Street: Engineering Futures - collaboration in the Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering sector


The exchange succeeded in bringing leaders together to explore and address the skills shortages within the Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering sector. The case study illustrates how Engineering Futures, a partnership formed by The Skills Company, Trafford College and Tameside College went on to build a collaborative and supportive environment which will help drive sector investment and growth.

Two Way Street: Buxton & Leek College and the Logistics and Transport sector


The commitment of leaders from organisations involved in the Logistics and Transport sector recognised the essential need to meet together to address serious staff and skills shortages in this vital East Midlands business sector. This project illustrates the essential characteristics and benefits of bringing together five employers under the leadership of the Chair of the Institute of Couriers, the partnership which developed between Buxton and Leek College, the University of Derby and the D2N2 LEP and the benefits for all those involved.


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