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Case study

Learning Futures Project - Digital learning assets for Performing Engineering Operations


This project from Furness College supported a team of engineering tutors to build confidence and develop skills and knowledge in using learning technology. The team worked with BAE Systems to co-develop an online interactive learning package to support the delivery of Performing Engineering Operations.

Learning Consortium videos: effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment.


These videos have been produced following research carried out by the Learning Consortium into highly effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment across a range of providers in Essex and the South East. They include:
Energising Harwich - Colchester College Case Study Video;
Great English and Maths (GEMS) - South Essex College Case Study Video;
Supported Internships - SEEVIC Case Study Video;
Racing Ahead with Student Employability - Northbrook College Case Study Video;

Increasing the Blend - enhancing and extending the learning experience using e-technologies, DACES


Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service (DACES) The aim of the project was to encourage teaching and learning practitioners to explore, experiment and improve their confidence and skills in effectively using e-technologies to enhance and develop their Teaching, Learning and Assessment practice. Items covered include: blended learning, supportive, developmental, coaching, communities of practice, Moodle, Games Based Learning

Energising Harwich – excellence in support for students/pre-employment training  Colchester Institute


This case study tells how, in order to support local skills needs, Colchester Institute created the Passport to Work programme. Following an initial interview and assessment, and an introductory/diagnostic programme, they offered students the opportunity to gain an insight into the offshore wind farm sector.


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