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Case study

Enfield AES Stepping Up in Sustainability project


The 'Looking After the Environment' project aimed to design and implement a modular Sustainability Learning programme comprising a training launch, supported workshops, Learning Circle and VLE resources. The embedding of core sustainability principles across the spectrum of Family & Adult learning through collaborative working partnerships would ensure a lasting legacy of educative sustainability principles. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Dorset Adult Learning


The 'Stepping Up Sustainability in Dorset' project delivered activities relating to sustainable development throughout the sub region of Dorset through the recruitment, training and development of a group of community sustainability champions who would work collaboratively with the Service to research interest, plan, develop and deliver activities and open events for the public. As well as capacity building, the project focused on family learning, improving learning delivery and enhancing access to learning. Four case studies were produced through the project.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Cardinal Newman College


The Photovoltaic Cell Project was a curriculum-focussed cross-department activity that aimed to build the students’ knowledge of and familiarity with renewable energy equipment and ideas. The project was the principle feature of the college's 'Our World Week' - a community celebration of sustainability that inhabits Cardinal Newman College for a five day period.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Bromley Adult Education College


The aims of this sustainable development project were: to improve the management of food waste at one of our main centres by using wormeries and composting; to create an organic vegetable, fruit and herb garden on an overspill car park area at the centre and use it as a hands-on teaching resource; to develop and deliver a new range of mainstream, community and family learning courses, both practical and theoretical, around the concepts of growing, sourcing and preparing food for domestic consumption in a sustainable manner that also provides economic benefits to the participants; to embed w

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Bedford College (part 1 of 2)


The aim of the project was to produce a set of interactive sustainable development resources (generic and subject focused) across a number of themes to help embed sustainability into the curriculum. The themes (teams) included: Building local resilience (land based) Learning from our ancestors (engineering); Reusable Energy (RE) technology (plumbing); Sustainable buildings (construction); Sustainable communities (catering); Reduce carbon emissions, improve productivity (business); Reduce, reuse, recycle (hair & beauty); Understanding Sustainable Development (sustainability team).

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Barking & Dagenham College


The aim of the project was to raise awareness of sustainable development to learners attending construction and motor vehicle courses and for employees of small businesses and to raise awareness of the local employment opportunities available in the new emerging Low Carbon Goods and Services sector. The College wanted to develop courses and programmes in the area of sustainability and this project presented them with the catalyst to begin to pilot a number of different qualifications, which would be delivered as part of main learning courses for particular groups of learners.

Cut the Carbon: Weston College


Colleges rarely give priority to analysing costs, resources and wastage involved in producing prospectuses, course and learner handbooks, therefore missing opportunities to cut carbon, save money and provide better learner information through a standardised personalised framework. This project analysed and evaluated those opportunities. Search 'Cut the Carbon' to find similar projects.

Cut the Carbon: Fareport Training


This sustainable development project aimed to reduce carbon emissions in apprenticeship provision with the use of free and inexpensive technology: This was a research project - in partnership with Vocational Innovation and the ALP Hampshire and Isle of Wight Network - to assess the impact of the use of freely available software solutions and inexpensive hardware, to deliver remote support, learning and assessment to apprentices in the work place, on an organisation's carbon emissions. Search 'Cut the Carbon' to find similar projects.


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