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Using the self assessment process to improve the quality of English and maths provision


The aim of this module is to support managers with the development of the self-assessment report (SAR); and to consider how to use the SAR as a monitoring and quality assurance/improvement tool

Although primarily aimed at practitioners (teachers, trainers, assessors), both English and maths and vocational, it will also be of interest to senior staff with whole organisation responsibility for English and maths/functional skills; curriculum managers; quality and HR managers.

Offender Teaching and Learning Toolkit - Professional Standards Checklist


The Professional Standards Checklist provides an opportunity to record reflections on using the Teaching and Learning Toolkit on the Offender Learning Exhibition Site to develop teaching and learning in relation to the 2104 professional standards for teachers and trainers in England.

This resource is linked to linked to the Offender Learning Toolkit - Guide.

Whole Organisation Approach to literacy, language and numeracy (LLN)


The whole organisation approach (WOA) to English, ESOL and maths is where this provision (known as literacy, language and numeracy or LLN) is central to the whole organisation at all levels, ranging from strategic leadership and management to delivery practice. This includes embedding LLN in teaching and learning programmes across a range of learning aims and goals and providing all learners with opportunities to progress and achieve qualifications – approaches that will embed LLN at all levels.


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