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Strategy and vision

DfE (2017) Identifying variation in learner outcomes by FE provider: research report July 2017.


This report presents results of a project to investigate how the labour market outcomes secured by individual learners vary across Further Education (FE) Providers. This programme of investigation identifies good labour market returns to FE learning, and compelling evidence that previous less favourable findings (relating to vocationally oriented learning at Level 2 and below) were a result of data limitations, rather than insignificant value added.

Vocational Education and Training: the national agenda for research, development and evidence


A website by LSRN outlining the national agenda for research, development and evidence about Vocational Education and Training. Timed to coincide with the creation of a new research centre for VET it also provided an opportunity to review progress towards a National VET Centre as envisaged in the proposals of the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching & Learning

Educational Action Research Methodologies as a basis for International Skills Partnerships


A presentation exploring ideas about how collaborative, international, research-based practice development processes can be used to ensure that skills development better meets the needs of individuals and the economy using a case study of a coalbroative parternship between Bradford College an TATA in Uttar Pradesh India.


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