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Manufacturing Module 1: Health and safety.


This module gives the opportunity to consider the importance of health and safety, with opportunities to practise strategies for understanding written and graphical information such as: signs and symbols used at work (including COSHH), fire extinguishers and fire procedures, risk assessment, reporting accidents and listening to health and safety training. Word files and audio files related to this module are available in the Manufacturing zip file.

Hospitality Module 4: Food hygiene


This module covers skills required to complete the food safety and hygiene training and in particular looks at the reading and language issues that may arise when interpreting food labels and food law. It also covers areas such as temperature and time. Word files and audio files related to this module are available in the Hospitality zip file.

Horticulture Module 5: Production horticulture


This module supports learning for the Production horticulture NVQ. The themes give learners the opportunity to find out more about their work settings and to develop the following skills: understanding the production process, following written instructions, checking temperature, understanding and using codes, assembling orders using a picking list and using a plan for picking orders. Word files and audio files related to this module are available in the Horticulture zip file.

Horticulture Module 4: Machinery


This module is aimed at the amenity sector of the industry but the skills supported here can be applied to the use of machinery generally. It includes: reading operator manuals, pre-start checks, maintenance and fault finding, using parts lists and diagrams. Word files, black and white masters and audio files related to this module are available in the Horticulture zip file.

Horticulture Module 3: Pesticides


This module looks at some of the skills that learners need to achieve competence in using pesticides and to maintain safe working practices with pesticides. There are two main topics: reading and understanding information about pesticides, numeracy skills required for calibrating knapsack sprayers. Word files and audio files related to this module are available in the Horticulture zip file.

Horticulture Module 2: Growing


This module uses a planting plan as a starting point and includes work to support learners in the following areas: understanding a planting plan, plant names, reading information about plants, communicating information to others. There is also some numeracy work relating to counting in batches. Word files, black and white masters and audio files related to this module are available in the Horticulture zip file.


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