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Equality and diversity

Assessing & measuring the impact of using cultural venues as an educational resource for disadvantaged adults


This research report examines the longitudinal impact of conducting visits to cultural venues (architectural and lanscapes connected to history) with disadvantaged students on their educational attainment and overall improvements in life quality, which was recognised as missing in published research at the time of the study.

“Everybody is beautiful” celebrating equality and diversity in a curriculum for students on the Autistic spectrum with difficulties with empathy


This research report explores a study attempting to demonstrate the students on the Autism spectrum could learn to show empathic reactions via the provision of clear guidlines, demonstration and role modelling with the opportunity to practice responses in a safe environment

Future Apprenticeships: Equality and Diversity Task and Finish Group


This small-scale research was part of a suite of projects funded and commissioned by ETF as part of Future Apprenticeships. It identifies effective equality and diversity practice in apprenticeship delivery and support methods for apprentices with a disability or learning difficulties. This report includes case study examples to support providers to increase diversity in apprenticeships.


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