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Staff performance appraisal

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Sussex Downs College


As the largest college in the South-East, Sussex Downs College aimed, through this 'Eco Pledge Project', to measure and embed sustainable practices working towards a zero waste strategy. Activities were designed to influence and raise understanding of climate change impact both in the organisation and amongst other learning partners, while new curriculum delivery addressed skills gaps in emerging employability areas.

Creating and supporting expansive apprenticeships


This guide has been designed to help you analyse the way you currently organise your Apprenticeships to identify where further improvements can be made in line with the reforms. The guide will support you in creating and managing ‘expansive’
Apprenticeships. An expansive Apprenticeship makes demands on apprentices, their employers and on training providers by maximising the added value that Apprenticeship can bring to workforce performance.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: South Nottingham College


Through the 'Electrifying the Automotive Curriculum' project, the college sought to Innovate by adding a unique teaching and learning element covering electric vehicle repair and maintenance to existing automotive training. This would be embedded into new Pre-16 learning programmes and automotive apprenticeship training delivered at the college's training facility in the East Midlands on project completion.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Otley College with Easton College and Writtle College


This project sought to explore and deliver carbon footprint reductions for the colleges and for staff and learners through the development of enrichment education. Twelve staff from across the three land-based colleges were trained to champion sustainable development in their institutions. These champions developed learning materials for student enrichment and worked with senior managers to develop carbon reduction targets. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Leicester Adult Skills & Learning Service with Lincolnshire Lifelong Learning Service


The 'Green Families Project' took forward work across two contrasting local authorities to develop skills and motivation, creating and embedding resources within Family Learning programmes. The combined effect of tjhese activities would be to bring about small changes in behaviour, realising more sustainable practices in the home of all participants and in the organisations that they engage with. A significant number of individual learning resources were brought together or developed and these are included here. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Exeter College


The Exeter Urban Garden Project aimed to transform some disused land into a vibrant sustainable garden and outdoor learning space accessible to the whole community. Driven through the Foundation Learning Faculty, the project was a focal point of the College’s ambitious Sustainability Programme and intended as a replicable example of sustainable living for Exeter. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Enfield AES Stepping Up in Sustainability project


The 'Looking After the Environment' project aimed to design and implement a modular Sustainability Learning programme comprising a training launch, supported workshops, Learning Circle and VLE resources. The embedding of core sustainability principles across the spectrum of Family & Adult learning through collaborative working partnerships would ensure a lasting legacy of educative sustainability principles. Search 'Stepping Up in Sustainability' to find similar projects.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Dorset Adult Learning


The 'Stepping Up Sustainability in Dorset' project delivered activities relating to sustainable development throughout the sub region of Dorset through the recruitment, training and development of a group of community sustainability champions who would work collaboratively with the Service to research interest, plan, develop and deliver activities and open events for the public. As well as capacity building, the project focused on family learning, improving learning delivery and enhancing access to learning. Four case studies were produced through the project.

Stepping Up in Sustainability: Cardinal Newman College


The Photovoltaic Cell Project was a curriculum-focussed cross-department activity that aimed to build the students’ knowledge of and familiarity with renewable energy equipment and ideas. The project was the principle feature of the college's 'Our World Week' - a community celebration of sustainability that inhabits Cardinal Newman College for a five day period.


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