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Ready to Send and Receive? Improving Adult Learners' English through Email

Resource Type: 

This project: ‘Ready to Send and Receive’ attempted to improve ESOL learners’ skills in writing and reading emails.

Practitioner Research and Evidence Hub: 
Principal focus of the project: 

This project explored strategies designed to improve ESOL learners’ skills in reading and writing emails in order to pass their ESOL writing exams. 

What is this about and what were the main findings: 

The project brought together adult and teenage ESOL learners of all levels (though initially focussed on EL 2). ESOL teachers and the Employment Services at Hull College worked collaboratively to develop resources and interactive opportunities to not only improve learners' email communication skills, but their engagement with blended learning during lockdown. The project reported that their approach had helped drive a new induction programme for ESOL learners, with digital skills being an essential part of it.

Number of learner participants: 
Number of staff participants: 
Number of organisation participants: 
Name(s) of authors: 

Hull College

Name of associate programmes: 

OTLA Shaping Success

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