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Bournville College: Improving achievement and independence, while reducing teacher marking time

Resource Type: 

A case study describing a project aiming to develop an effective study skills programme building on accelerated learning, assessment for learning, and learning to learn. 

Practitioner Research and Evidence Hub: 
Principal focus of the project: 

The focus for this project was to provide learners with the skills of a successful independent learner by identifying their current understanding and setting effective targets to improve their achievement. This was done through the implementation of a holistic approach to inducting students, teaching study skills, and the development of effective independent learning plans with a tutorial support program in the form of workshops. The authors also note the importance of establishing a coherent approach to planning these activities, instead of planning them independently of one another as had previously been the default approach.

What is this about and what were the main findings: 

The project saw times for marking re-submissions reduce by ~66%, which led to direct savings of £2392. Further time was saved on later assignments for tutor marking as tutors and learners developed clearer understandings of feedback and responses to it. Assignment briefs were also imporved, leading to less resubmissions from learners, and only minor corrections required where resubmission was necessary. Achievement also improved, with all levels of achievement gaining more distinctions than in previous cohorts. Data was gathered from participants/observers, and before/after assessments. 

Number of learner participants: 
Number of staff participants: 
Number of organisation participants: 
Name(s) of authors: 

Ethan Woehrling - Bournville College

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