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South Devon College - improving teaching, learning and assessment in Hair and Beauty

Resource Type: 

A case study exploring a project that aimed to reduce skills gaps within the hair and beauty industry by adopting innovative teaching, learning and assessment approaches. 

Practitioner Research and Evidence Hub: 
Principal focus of the project: 

The project consisted of five key stages. These were: identifying the skills gaps in terms of skills content and pedagogy; undertaking Training and Development days, hosted by each of
the education partners; dissemination of the Training and Development day content to the teams of each education partner, and developing learning plans and resources; delivery of the new learning plans and resources to learners, and; evaluation of the project and future plans

What is this about and what were the main findings: 

81% of learners rating their experience within the lessons as excellent or good. Positive themes coming through from learner feedback regarding the impact of revised TLA strategies included:
• Developing creative and experimental approaches to practical skills development.
• Use of ICT, e.g. QR codes linking to videos, use of Kahoot, iPads, Padlet, mobile devices.
• Enhanced teacher demonstrations, i.e. incorporating
opportunities to play back via video or own recordings.
• Use of video, particularly those featuring peers.
• Expert input and guidance. Learners responded particularly positively to employer led sessions.

Number of learner participants: 
Number of staff participants: 
Name(s) of authors: 

South Devon College

Name of associate programmes: