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Stepping Up - quality standards for young deaf learners in further education

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These six quality standards have been drafted to ensure greater consistency of provision and to improve outcomes for deaf young people. They are supported by case studies and further resources. They apply to young people with all levels of deafness including those without Education, Health and Care Plans. The six standards are relevant to all providers across the FE sector. They aim to support further education providers to: • evaluate the quality of their provision for deaf learners • inform the development of policies and plans • promote good practice. The standards have been drafted by the National Deaf Children’s Society on behalf of the Education and Training Foundation. They are written with deaf young people aged 16-25 in mind. However, many could be applied to learners over the age of 25. The standards are designed to complement the National Deaf Children’s Society’s resource, Supporting the achievement of deaf young people in further education: This resource includes an audit tool which can be used by providers to self-assess their provision.
